This is the story of how the Keaney family made their way to China to bring home their second daughter and a mei mei for Olivia.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

End of Summer

We had lots of fun at the beach this summer. We were at every beach from Ipswich to Falmouth. Leila loves the water and will walk in until she's taking it in her mouth and up her nose - and still continues to go deeper. She has been knocked down by waves and fallen in the pool head first but that has not put any fear into her. She is a daredevel at the playground and loves to attempt everything Olivia does. I can't believe we made it through summer with no broken bones. I thought for sure she'd have us in the ER at least once. She's very coordinated, very strong and quite confident. She has us in stitches with her antics and her great big devilish smile. The perfect addition to our family.

Nobska Beach in Falmouth, August 2007

Emmett (Livi's BFF), Olivia and Leila at the Lantern Festival, Forest Hills Cemetery July 2007

Leila at White Horse Beach, Plymouth - August 2007

Roof decking it!


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